Jetpack windowmanager
Jetpack windowmanager

MBottomSheetBehavior!!.setBottomSheetCallback(object : BottomSheetBehavior. MBottomSheetBehavior!!.state = BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_HIDDEN 您应该使用 .BottomSheetBehavior。 但是如果你想在其他类中有一个 bottomSheet,我建议你使用 Fragment,并在这个 fragment中打开你的 bottomSheet 打开你的片段 in this way。 在您的片段中,使用以下代码打开 bottomSheet: 在 onInitViews中 var mBottomSheetBehavior = om(bottomSheetCoordinatorLayout)

jetpack windowmanager

The flexible hinge and glass display on Galaxy foldable devices, such as the Galaxy Z Fold4 and Galaxy Z Flip4, let the phone remains propped open while you use apps. In this section we will learn what Jetpack Window Manager is and how you can use it in order to handle the new capabilities foldable provide and take into consideration to develop a fantastic foldable experience for your users. 通过这样做,对话框具有 wrap_content的高度,并且标志允许由该对话框之外的视图处理触摸 window. Learn how to implement Flex mode on a Unity game using Android Jetpack WindowManager and Unitys Java Native Interface (JNI) Wrapper. Jetpack Window Manager provides a standard API for working with all foldable devices. Jetpack Window Manager This is the largest section in the Codelab and the most important one. SetFlags(_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL, _NOT_TOUCH_MODAL)

jetpack windowmanager jetpack windowmanager

Set layout for custom bottom sheet by allowing background touches

Jetpack windowmanager